Dear Heart-Centred Spiritual Entrepreneur following your purpose
Are you ready to reignite your MONEY FLOW to have the most abundant year without burn out?
For your financial comeback after a tricky 2024 cash flow wise!
It is time to stop chasing money with overworking and waiting for the financial rewards that never feel enough so you do more
You follow all the advice of business mentors and coaches but it didn't work. This year has felt so weird. What use to work no longer does and your anxiety around money went crazy! You felt so much shame for not being good enough.
Childhood triggers and wounds have come up this year with intensity.
You are done with the waiting and the inner mean girl.
Thinking maybe you need to give up on your dream!
This is your sign to carry on but to swap doing all the business strategies you see online to healing your relationship with money.
You are READY to take action steps to be the rich AF you NOW whilst being chilled AF. Doing the heart centred work you were meant for.
You are done with burn out, your purpose making your sick and the endless hard work to prove your are good enough. You want ease and flow with money. To be magnetic to money and for it no longer to worry you endlessly.
Goodbye Money anxiety . Hello Abundance and overflowing bank account! I am going to teach you when I was chilled AF I made £31k from ONE BLOG.
A FREE 5-day tapping for money challenge with Self Healing Thought leader , Manpreet Johal Bernie
Heal Your Relationship With Money & Receive cash with ease using the power of EFT tapping– no chasing , no burn out, No disease , No pushing just because your human and you are f-ing worthy of it! For the heart centred spiritual entrepreneur who cannot let go of her desire to help others and is ready to get paid seriously well for it!
Register for the FREE 5 day TAPPING FOR MONEY challenge
We start Monday 21st October 5 pm UK Same time all week until Friday 25th October

Hi I am Manpreet
I get it 2024 has been one hell of a year for anxiety around money. Soooo many people have been feeling it. Your desire to help others is so strong. You are heart centred and spiritual. This work means the world to you. You want to make the world a better place. But you have seriously questioned this year if you should give up.
Because you want to receive and enjoy your money too. Not just help others. You want to have an overflow of cash for retreats, support in your business, to feel safe enough to treat yourself and you know actually ENJOY your money. But money always feels like an emotional roller coaster.
It is there one moment gone the next.
The survival need to have money just creates days of endless worry about money.
You have been trapped in this cycle for permission from money to do what you REALLY want to do in the world.
You want to do the work you love and get paid really well for it. But it feels impossible so you end up doing things you don’t really want to do because you feel like you got to pay those bills . Running programmes that don’t excite you anymore.
Worse still the money anxiety wears you out
Your either worrying about it frozen on that sofa eating all the ice cream numbing with Netflix or working like a mad woman to chase after it
But alas it just never enough… You feel not enough!
Even when your earning WHICH IS CRAZY right! You made the monthly amount of your dream board at times and it still didn't feel enough. I earnt 6 figures and still felt like this! A practice that has been a game changer for me has been EFT tapping which is why I qualified in it!
What you haven't heard about from your business mentors is how insecure attachment from childhood impacts our relationship with money.
This was the root cause for my money drama whether I was having a 5 figure month or a zero cash month. I constantly felt this feeling of unsafety and insecurity. I got hyper vigilant with money worrying about when it wasn't going to be there. That I couldn't even enjoy it when it was. I was longing for safety and security and thought that money would solve this feeling.
But actually this was a father wound and it didn't have anything to do with money.
I tapped to feel safe regardless to whether money was there or not. I felt grateful for all the abundance I had right now. I vibrated at a higher frequency without this wound and that brought through magical money making ideas and meant the root wound had shifted.
I had 5 figures days, weeks and months when I would priortise this inner work. Which is why I am so excited to share this work with you.
There is something else going on here and I am so tired of people exhausting themselves chasing after the shiny object which is going to fix them or their business. There is a lot of great marketers out there guys and they are selling you things that don’t get to the root of the issue.
If that is not addressed IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH despite what you mind tells you.
Your mind is keeping you stuck! Back away from that shiny fix! And lets do the inner work shall we? And REALLY SORT THIS OUT! So you can BE who you are meant to be.
I went from £22k to £103k in one year (after leaving corporate to follow my purpose) and then completely changing my business model as it wasn’t supportive to my health. Choosing alignment and health over hustle. The intention to create an overflow of wealth by doing less!
I teach you how I CREATE money rather than WAITING for it. Using my OG tool EFT tapping.
We will tap away low self worth, limited confidence and tap to create safety with money! Using the chakra system. I will show you how you can stop the mind making you do the WRONG stuff that keeps you stuck in survival and how you can unlock the inspiration to actually solve your money issues.

We start Monday 21st October 5pm UK time and we will be on every day at 5pm! Monday to Friday for a 45 minute tapping class with some coaching!
Replays will be until Monday 28th October or you can go VIP for lifetime access
and VIP get a hot seat group coaching session with Manpreet to go even deeper
JOIN ME Monday 21st October

The breakthroughs you can expect:
Experience a simple but powerful 5 day tapping process to create IMMEDIATE shift in mindset and energy with money from panic and anxiety to peace and flow using the chakra system with EFT tapping
​You Stop letting money anxiety and fears hold you back with self sabotage , procrastination and overworking. Clear it away so you can actually do the work you are meant for in this world not just surviving paying bills. You know life is meant for more than that.
Unlock the creative intuitive guidance for your money making ideas
Upleveling your limiting beliefs around money and your worth
Release the inner resistance to actually receiving and holding money. It’s a total thing!
Claim back your own life force energy in order to create a new reality
Soothe the anxious (worry about it all the time) / avoidant (hide under the covers and ignore it) attachment so you create abundant financial future
Live as your future self NOW! Not just when you achieve the goal
MIRACLES in the form of money, opportunities, ideas , confidence
Changing on the inside to shift your money reality on the outside
Feeling safe, secure with money NOW regardless of how much money you make
Feeling FREE to create the work your meant for without the money worries
Knowing you are WORTHY of receiving now rather than the endless overgiving
Learn exactly WHAT TO DO NOW, so your emotional body and nervous system stop holding you back from receiving the money you are meant for . This is an action based approach. Sign up , tap with me , follow the daily practices and shift your financial reality.. no more waiting shifting to aligning your action NOW.
What you can expect over the 5 day tapping for money challenge
I will be teaching you how to self heal your relationship with money. It's going to require you to take action each day from Monday 21 October! As you are you own self healer.
YOU change your life by taking responsibility for it .
Doors open to challenge on Friday 18th October for you to set your money intentions in a group telegram group
(daily messaging chat) and to connect with the community.
Monday 21st October to Friday 25th October
Daily journal prompts dropping each day for the daily theme by 10 am UK time
Your shares in telegram and live on zoom will feed into the daily tapping session so the EFT script is built to YOUR needs!
The tapping sessions will be each day 5pm for 45 minutes. Show up live to experience the joint tapping experience or replays available until Monday 28th October
DAY 1 ROOT - I AM ( Create safety and security with relationship to money)
DAY 2 SACRAL – I FEEL (Reclaim your worthiness of your desire)
DAY 3 SOLAR PLEXUS - I DO (Call back Your Power and confidence)
DAY 4 HEART – I LOVE ( Self-love, forgiveness and RECEIVING (not overgiving) )
DAY 5 THROAT – I SPEAK (UNLOCKING your authentic expression to attract money)
I will also talk you through 2 daily practices that will take 10 minutes and will shift the way you feel NOW to kiss goodbye to the constant loop of anxiety around money! Actually have you feeling good before it even gets here! Then celebrating its arrival with deep gratitude. The intention of this challenge is to increase money circulation to us all as a community. Not to hoard it but to let it nourish everyone and receive it with ease. Money anxiety leads to scarcity which stops the flow! We will be getting it moving again!

I was anxious every day to 6 figures its not fun. This way is…
This 5 part tapping for money challenge is EXACTLY what I did when I wrote ONE BLOG that earnt me £31k! There is some serious money miracles ahead of you when you take the action with the daily tapping and journaling practices . But you got to SHOW UP, tap, and do the daily practices outside of the sessionsthat do not take longer than 20 minutes! Money miracles are ahead when you take the daily action.
Let’s make some money miracles like:
Sasha replaced her corporate salary in 1 month of starting her business!
Jennifer earnt $1000s without any marketing for her breathwork business
Surrinder got £3k per month out of no where
Shannon 5 x her corporate salary from one job interview!
Other miracles Debts being cleared …. £10k cash days and so much more!