Healing Yourself Services
Your strong desires to make your big goals a reality like high income goals in your business, helping people around the world, being healthy and wealthy, writing books and zen-ing out on that business retreat are incredible. But when your ambitious nature means nothing is good enough, not matter what goal you reach. You are still plagued by the critical voice of a narcissistic family member or a community that took advantage of your empathy. These wounds from the past will mess with your business dreams so it's essential that you heal your inner child and build your self worth...
So that you create a business that doesn't burn you out and having you constantly chasing out side validation and not feeling safe. You could unconsciously recreate the chaos of your childhood no matter how successful your business looks. If you are reaching 5 figure months and 6 figure years and feeling nothing
there is healing to be done.

Heal Your Inner Child
Self- Learning Programme
A go at your own pace course to heal your inner child so that you can move past the pain from your childhood, so you are no longer looking for love and acceptance outside of you! You can find it within.
No more people pleasing and giving your power away.
It is time to love yourself to step away from toxic! To get a self heal your emotions like shame, guilt , fear and anger so they stop blocking your from happiness.
Make peace with your family even if they don't change.
It includes 12 modules to support you to heal your inner child from beginning to end! Buy now to watch immediately in your own time with a collection of videos , worksheets and practices to take you through a life changing process which has help many world wide. Now its your turn...
You can stop feeling like a victim of the past and become the empowered survivors who finally realises your worth! When this happens you change your REALITY .
Where ever you are on your healing journey if you have a desire to help others. You are your first client and your younger self will sabotage your business goals and dreams if she is not on side. This course helps you to heal deeply so you and your younger self is a team to create your soul expansion.
Supercharge your worth
For the trauma survivor ready to turn their vision board into their reality now with trauma informed manifesting in 8 weeks
Super charge yourself worth to up level to the life designed by your highest self. No more letting self sabotage, procastination and self belief hold you back. This is an 8 week course Learn how to create a life you dream of without letting the trauma of the past hold you back.
Your soul came here to live and incredible life. To fulfil its purpose! Fear and trauma can hold us back. Now you understand generational trauma and feel safer in your body life is already improving. But are you ready for more? For a life that is alignment with what you came here for! More money, more love, more abundance, health, more joy and more fulfillment. You are worthy of it ALL!

Rebirth One to One 6 month Coaching Programme
Starts in January 2025
Highly ambitious empathic heart centred spiritual entrepreneurs that are hitting 6 figure years and 5 figure months and still not feeling enough ...
We got to talk about your drive to serve , change lives and achieve and how it isn't serving you
If you are burn out , got DIS-ease in the body ,high function anxiety where to the world you look great but inside you are really struggling. You can't sleep and put immense pressure on yourself.
You know in your bones you are here to serve others and change lives . To write books , enrolls 1000s in your courses , hit high income months but the traumas you thought you had healed to get you here are getting you stuck in your relationship with your self.
Your body, mind and soul is out of alignment with your successful business and you are ready in 2025 to rebuild a new one. One that serves you are your clients by healing the shadows that have you stuck in patterns that hurt you.